Flat Panel Display

Displays continue to play a part of everyday life by way of smartphones, tablets, TV’s and monitors.  Our products continue to enable the display manufacturers to produce high quality displays at the highest yield possible.

Key Applications

  • Thin films on glass that include an opaque layer such as Aluminum, measurements can be made through the back-side of the sample to characterize the various layers.
  • Characterization of polymer color filters
  • Transmittance which is highly sensitive to band gap
  • Reflectance which is highly sensitive to thickness of thin films
  • Thickness and optical properties of thin insulators and organic materials

Products For Use in The Flat Panel Display Market

Gemini Series

The n&k Gemini series are automated metrology systems used to fully characterize and monitor Thin Film and OCD applications for both current and next generation IC processes. Capable of simultaneous Reflectance and Transmittance measurements the Gemini series is ideal for applications with transparent substrates (i.e., Photomasks, SiC Wafers, Quartz Wafers, Flat Panels, etc.)

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