Foundry / Logic / Memory

The foundation and building blocks of the electronics and computing industries, our products help ensure you can obtain the highest yields possible when manufacturing these integral IC’s.

Key Applications

  • Angstrom-resolution Thin Film control for FEOL modules: Deposition, Diffusion, Lithography
  • Patterning, Etch and CMP control
  • Process monitoring for current and next generation technology nodes consisting of complex 3D structures
  • Trench/OCD Critical Processes such as Deep Trench, Critical Dimension, or Sidewall Angle monitoring
  • Various Etch Processes such as FinFET, STI, DTI, Deep Etch for 5nm and previous technology nodes
  • High Aspect Ratio Trench Structures (i.e. 20:1)

Products For Use in The Foundary / Logic / Memory Market

Olympian Series

The n&k Olympian Series is our flagship high-throughput DUV-Vis-IR scatterometer/thin film metrology system with micro-spot technology, covering Reflectance measurements in the wavelength range from 190nm – 15,000nm. With the inclusion of the infra-red wavelength range, the Olympian Series extends the capabilities of n&k’s OptiPrime (DUV-Vis-NIR) series, making the Olympian the most versatile optical metrology tool in the industry for monitoring Thin Film and Trench/OCD applications.

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OptiPrime-X Series

The n&k OptiPrime-X series are high-throughput DUV-Vis-NIR scatterometers/thin film metrology systems, covering Reflectance measurements in the wavelength range from 190nm – 1000nm with micro-spot technology and a single wavelength ellipsometer at 633nm for monitoring Thin Film and Trench/OCD applications. The n&k OptiPrime-X series are field proven to meet your high-volume production needs.

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OptiPrime Series

The n&k OptiPrime series are high-throughput DUV-Vis-NIR scatterometers/thin film metrology systems, covering Reflectance measurements in the wavelength range from 190nm – 1000nm with micro-spot technology for monitoring Thin Film and Trench/OCD applications. The n&k OptiPrime series are field proven to meet your high-volume production needs.

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Benchtop Systems

The n&k OptiPrime M Benchtop Metrology System for your Thin Film or Trench/OCD applications Incorporates Reflectance-only or Reflectance and Transmittance

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